Libertas Culture
Be inspiring leaders even in challenging situations



Managing complex HR projects and coaching senior executives in the manufacturing sector


We are a community of coaches. We believe in the power of intentional professional relationships. Today's employees expect companies to invest in their development. They want to develop their skills quickly and on demand.


Our coaches come from different industries and countries and have many different specialities.

What are your needs?

Do you recognize your organization?


Can't keep up?

Your business is growing fast, and results have never been better, yet you just can’t seem to keep up. You need more leadership, more talent, more expertise, more bandwidth, and more time. You are constantly trying to do more with what you have but it’s taking a toll on the organization.

Feeling stuck?

It feels like no matter how hard you try, you’re stuck at being good, but never great. You see the full potential of the organization, yet you’re not sure how to mobilize your leadership team and employees to reach it. Further growth seems illusive as performance and results are stagnant and unpredictable.

Leadership gaps?

You have a good team, but you see signs of vulnerability everywhere. You wonder what it would be like if your management team was more sophisticated and skilled at the art of leadership.  How much closer can your organization be to its full potential if the management team had a common vision, was better aligned, more collaborative, and communicated more effectively?

Troubling signs?

It feels like you’re losing control of the organization, you see some subtle signs and some more obvious. Lack of ownership and accountability; ad-hoc decision making; reactive management; disengaged employees; blaming and finger-pointing; silo mentality; and unhealthy internal competition. And worse, customers are noticing, and your reputation is suffering.


Your management team feels overworked, stressed, and physically and mentally drained. Constantly in fire-fighting mode, they feel that they can never catch up. They feel like the need to be heard, be better supported, and have more influence and relevance in the organization.



You will have access to an eco-system of coaching

Leadership & executive development, mindfulness & personal growth, health & stress relief, and work-life balance, this is what we call cross-coaching

You will benefit from our coaches diversity of styles

We don’t believe that “one size fits all” is appropriate for something as personal as coaching.

You have access to our coaches’ collective experience and expertise

An assorted spectrum for today’s leadership development needs.

We’ve been in your shoes

Our coaches have real-world experience in leading and managing organizations like yours, from small and medium companies, to large, multinational organizations.

Our coaches are all entrepreneurs

Starting and growing a business takes grit and humbles the soul

We know you are looking for sustainable results

We focus on much more than quick wins and don’t believe in simply ticking boxes.

We believe in making a fundamental difference

With direct influence on individuals’ behaviors as well as a sustainable impact on the leadership culture.

Accessibility is important to you

Our coaches are reachable and available in multiple ways, at your convenience and rhythm.

We make the experience seamless

We handle all the contractual and admin details.

Management tool: learn to create healthy boundaries

I want the tool


Step Into Today’s


Let's talk

I'm Suzanne Bernard, leadership coach and expert in complex HR cases 


Managing complex HR projects and coaching senior executives in the manufacturing sector

For more than 20 years, I have devoted my professional life to the well-being of people and organisations.

My personal and professional experiences have led me to develop a rare expertise in managing complex human resources and organisational development cases.

My aim is for people and organisations to work together and be inspiring leaders, even in complex situations.

There's nothing I can't do

I often say that I'm afraid of nothing. I'm fired up by difficult situations, motivated by challenges and determined to find the simplest most effective solutions to every problem.

I'm a multi-solver.

A few years ago, I was involved in the mass hiring for a plant here in Quebec because they saw the potential in me and because I knew the job market.

It was my first assignment of this kind. I came up with the idea of stacking a number of solutions to make sure we would deliver. My team and I created a 5-layer recruitment strategy, a world-class integration programme and a technical training program to attract labour specific to the needs of this plant.

This plant can now count on a continuous pool of qualified employees.

I perform best when clients tell me it's impossible.

I'm resourceful, but when the going gets tough, I surround myself with the best. I've assembled experts in web-recruitment, compensation, technical training and project management who step in when the project calls for it.

My clients come to me because they are desperate and have 'tried everything'.

An Unusual, Innovative and Collective Approach

My clients describe my approach as impressive. For me, it's just a way of being that's imbued with my keen understanding of people, my management skills and great strategic strength. I see far and wide for my clients. I have a great ability to anticipate needs and pitfalls.

Whether in coaching or consulting, my clients understand that their individual actions have a collective impact and that they need to be innovative.

What's more, I've developed a range of management approaches that may seem unusual, but have proved their worth.

I'm transparent and make sure we always tell each other the real story.

I question the foundations in place before moving forward and I get people to progress in their best interests and those of the organisation.

What I do for my clients is concrete, innovative and tailored to their immediate needs. I don't like complexity, I like seeing clients achieve results. I've implemented strategies that are still being used 15 years later: I work with a long-term vision.

If your company is going through major changes and your leadership team is dysfunctional, how will your team actually succeed?

How will the transformation come to life? 

The intervention of a team of coaches creates a safety net that helps your management team get through. We nurture your leadership.